Internet Porn Addiction

Internet porn addiction

Internet porn addiction

The ease of availability of porn on the internet has led to a large increase of users, usually men, looking for a way out of the cycle of problematic internet porn addiction. 

What seems like harmless escape can sometimes slide into an all consuming pastime that erodes self-esteem and relationships.

Porn as escape

Sexual stimulation can put you in a state of hyperfocus which is especially attractive when you might be avoiding negative thoughts and feeling such a anxiety, depression, grief etc. Unfortunately, the effect soon wears off after orgasm and the the feelings can return often with an added sense of shame.

Porn as a reward

The brain releases dopamine as a reward for pleasure. All well and goo in the right measure but we are not meant to stimulated all the time. Constant dopamine hits become less effective over time and so there is a craving for more.

When is internet porn use a problem?

  • If you lack focus at work, especially if working from home where you are tempted to view it.  Porn being prioritised over completing tasks. 
  • Needing a porn 'hit' just to get through the day.
  • Spending increasingly more time watching porn online.
  • Losing interest in other hobbies, passtimes and socialising.
  • Neglect of appearance, personal hygiene. Lack of self-esteem
  • Your relationship is suffering due to your partner's concerns that you are unavailable or disinterested in sex.  
  • When you think it is a problem.

Hypnotherapy for Internet Porn Addiction

Hypnotherapy is well known as a treatment for smoking and nicotine addictions. Similar techniques are also used for other habitual behaviours such as internet porn addiction.

Sessions will  incorporate a whole range of tools to help with pornography addiction, including:-

  • Releasing all negative emotions that have been driving the habit
  • Defuse triggers for the behaviour.
  • Redirect the powerful urge into something more productive
  • Offer the unconscious mind suggestions on how it will behave in the future base on what you really want i.e. who will you be when you are no longer addicted to internet porn?
  • Increasing motivation for the things in life that really matter.

To find out how hypnotherapy can help your specific situation - Book a free strategy call with Stuart to discuss exactly what you need.

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